Seriously? OMG! WTF? » They Might Be Giants’ John Flansburgh broke 7 ribs in a car accident
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[ # ] They Might Be Giants’ John Flansburgh broke 7 ribs in a car accident
June 9th, 2022 under Sick Bay, They Might Be Giants

They Might Be Giants finally were back on the stage yesterday in NYC at The Bowery after the pandemic hiatus. Unfortunately, their excitement of being back on the road is short-lived.

John Linnell announced today that his singing partner, “Mr. John Flansburgh was in a rather serious car accident on his way home from the gig. The initial report is that he has seven broken ribs, several of which have multiple fractures. The good news is that no vital organs were involved and the long-term prognosis seems positive. Of course, there will be a lengthy recovery process.”

Therefore, they are postponing all of their June dates to let him heal. They are planning on resuming their tour on August 30th at Asbury Park.

Hopefully, Flans will be feeling better soon and out of the Birdhouse soon because TMBG puts on a great show, and I am sure they want to be making their fans in Istanbul to Constantinople happy again by performing live for them again.

One last note, I wonder if their song Seven will be or won’t be part of their setlist when the tour resumes. You know, because he broke 7 ribs? What? Too soon?


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