Seriously? OMG! WTF? » There are spiders living in Ted Cruz’s beard?
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[ # ] There are spiders living in Ted Cruz’s beard?
July 19th, 2019 under Politics
Somehow I missed the biggest story of the week. Ted Cruz was on Fox News this week when suddenly a spider appeared on his lips and he inhaled it live on air. I guess it was bigger than the other bugs he is used to eating because he started to choke. Kind of like when he ran for President.

I don’t know where the bug came from, so I am just assuming he crawled out of his beard. Who knows what is in that thing? Doesn’t the facial hair make him look even creepier than he did before? And he was plenty creepy looking.

Now let’s get back to the spider, I hope it was not radioactive. We don’t need him to become a superhero. How frightening would that be?


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