Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The View ladies talk postcoital sex mistakes
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[ # ] The View ladies talk postcoital sex mistakes
January 4th, 2024 under The View

It is a New Year, and today, on The View, Whoopi Goldberg, Sarah Haines, Joy Behar, Sunny Hostin, and Alyssa Farah Griffin talked about an old topic. Sex!

Not just your average sex talk but the mistakes you make when you are finished. The New York Post says you shouldn’t pick up the phone, nor should you tell your partner what chores they should do. Haines admitted she is guilty of both.

While that is what the paper said, the ladies shared their own booboos. Behar says you shouldn’t compare them to an ex. Even though she has called out an ex’s name during the moment. Also, don’t ask questions, especially if you don’t want the answer. Could you imagine being like, was it good, and them telling you it wasn’t?

But then again, I ask because I want to know how to improve.

What mistakes do you think you make after sex? Do share in the comments.


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