Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Tudors is back on Showtime tonight!
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[ # ] The Tudors is back on Showtime tonight!
April 5th, 2009 under Jane Seymour, Showtime

The Tudors is back for its third season on Showtime tonight at 9p and starts off where it left off with King Henry the VIII taking his third wife, Jane Seymour after the beheading his second one Anne Boleyn. The Boleyns are gone, but his daughter Mary is back. This season also deals with Northern England rebelling against the King and how he will fight back. Also King Henry is ill and no one knows with what. I can’t wait to see how this all plays out.
This season is different than the last two and I like that show is taking a new direction while keeping the same feel. So tune in for a season that will go down in the history books it is about!


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