Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Thriller is gone…:(
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[ # ] The Thriller is gone…:(
November 15th, 2006 under Arrested, The Jacksons


Reclusive pop superstar Michael Jackson made a musical comeback of sorts on Wednesday, singing the chorus line of his charity single "We Are The World" before the sound cut out as he struggled for the high notes. The 48-year-old, performing live for the first time since he was acquitted of child molestation charges in June, 2005, had been expected to sing his seminal hit "Thriller". But to the huge disappointment of screaming fans, that was performed instead by young U.S. star Chris Brown. Jackson looked uncomfortable at times as he was surrounded by excited young members of a gospel chorus on stage with him. That did not stop supporters desperate to see their idol cheer his every move, especially when threw his black sequin jacket into the crowd. The failure by the deposed King of Pop to demonstrate his voice and confidence were back to anywhere near their best was likely to raise further doubts about his ability to resurrect a career that has been on hold for years. "I love you!" he shouted, before the World Music Awards 2006 ceremony he headlined wound up. Earlier in the evening, Jackson was given the Diamond Award honouring artists who sell more than 100 million records. Introducing Jackson, U.S. singer Beyonce said: "Tonight we are celebrating 25 years of ‘Thriller’," referring to his seminal album. "If it wasn’t for Michael Jackson I would never have ever performed. I love you, we all love you." Jackson, who has been a virtual recluse for the last 17 months, thanked fans and his family, singling out his three children who have been with him during his stopover in London. "I am greatly humbled by this award," said Jackson, who wore his jet black hair long and straight. "It was my dream that ‘Thriller’ would be the biggest-selling album ever … and God has answered my prayers," he added. Jackson’s lifetime record sales tally is believed to be around 750 million, making him the most successful entertainer of all time. Whether Wednesday’s performance helps him on the road to professional recovery remains to be seen. "I would say there’s very little chance of him coming back from where he is," said Gareth Grundy, deputy editor of the Q music magazine, speaking before the show. "I think people will always be fascinated by the freak show, and that’s what’s going on," he said. "I would categorise him as a celebrity as opposed to an artist."

Reuters (story) and AP (photos) 

So sad, I was really hoping he would be back. The Michael Jackson we knew and loved is gone forever…:(
Just out of curiousity was it really a good idea to have Michael Jackson surrounded by so many teenagers?
BTW here is a picture of Chris Brown (not born when Thriller came out) singing the song. 




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