Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Talk is taking a 2-day hiatus to investigate Sharon Osbourne’s debate
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[ # ] The Talk is taking a 2-day hiatus to investigate Sharon Osbourne’s debate
March 15th, 2021 under The Osbournes

On Tuesday, the talk around the world shifted from Oprah Winfrey’s interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to Piers Morgan quitting Good Morning Britain over what he said about the Duchess. Shortly after the news broke, his friend Sharon Osbourne defended him on Twitter.

Anyone, who is smart to social media these days, knows that was not a smart move. Therefore, they talked about it on The Talk. Osbourne played the victim and continued to defend him. She cried, she said I am not racist, and she got defensive. Sheryl Underwood tried to explain to her co-host why her tweet was so wrong, but Osbourne was not having it. That was the last we heard about it on the daytime talk show.

However, the debate continued to make headlines. Osbourne sent out a tweet on Friday apologizing for what happened and said she was taking the time to listen and learn.

She will have two more days to do it. That is because Deadline is reporting that the show will be pretaped today and tomorrow so they can investigate the matter.

“We are committed to a diverse, inclusive and respectful workplace,” CBS said in a statement Friday night. “All matters related to the Wednesday episode of The Talk are currently under internal review.”

Meanwhile, a source told E!, “Several employees reached out to HR after Wednesday’s show because of the way Sharon Osbourne handled the conversation,” the insider claimed. “Sharon’s defense of Piers Morgan felt like a triggering moment and it was very difficult for many of the staff to watch.”

I have a feeling at the end of these two days; The Talk will be down another host. I think that CBS wants to get rid of Osbourne, and this is their way out. She is the only original host left on the show, and I am sure her salary is through the roof. They can get two hosts for the price of her. In a year, when every network took a financial hit, I am sure they want to trim as many costs as possible. Her salary would be a good start.

Plus, there have been rumors that The Talk might get cancelled so that the network can focus more on Drew Barrymore’s show. If they get rid of Osbourne, then it might give the show another season. That would save a lot of people’s jobs.

The only negative is that Osbourne is the reason why we talk about The Talk. Is the sacrifice worth it?

We might find out in two days. Should Sharon stay, or should she go?


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