The Situation will be on Ellen this Monday and she asked the Jersey Shore ab man how many woman he has kissed.
Ellen: If you had to guess, if someone said, “How many girls have you kissed?” How many girls? Let’s just guess.
Mike: In what time period are we talking about?
Ellen: Like in the 3 years, how many girls have you kissed?
Mike: Wow, 3 years. Ummm, I really don’t keep count.
Ellen: Okay, let’s narrow it down. I hope you don’t keep count. Let’s say a year. How many girls have you kissed?
Mike: Well, I like to kiss girls so….I’d have to say, ummm. We’re guessing?
Ellen: Yes.
Mike: Do you want to guess?
Ellen: I’m going to guess like 1000.
Mike: You never know, that could be close. I’m joking. I really don’t know. I don’t know.
Ellen: Yes, you do.
Mike: I don’t know. I really don’t keep count.
I don’t know about you, but I am thinking the reason he doesn’t count is not because he doesn’t want to but because he doesn’t know how to count past 21???