Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Rock’s party trick is not for kids
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[ # ] The Rock’s party trick is not for kids
September 26th, 2024 under The Rock

The Rock has a lot of tricks up his sleeve, but his party trick doesn’t involve his sleeves.

DJ sat down with Entertainment Weekly, and they asked him what his party trick is. He told them he has two.

The first one is for kids and does Maui for them. He even has pecks dance for them while he sings a song from the film. And I am sure they love it.

His other one is not PG-13. “With tequilla, I do this thing where I can pick up a grape,” he said. What is so special and naughty about that? He added, “Not with my hands. Not my feet. Not even my mouth,” he told them, much to the dismay of his publicist.

I love that one so much. I want to see him do it. I can do it too! Not with my hands, feet, mouth, or butt.


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