Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Rock’s daughter owns him!
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[ # ] The Rock’s daughter owns him!
April 17th, 2017 under The Rock

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The Rock spent Easter chasing his awwwwdorable daughter around the house dressed up like Pikachu. Even though it made the humid Miami so much hotter than it normally is, he did not mind and Jazzy loved every minute of all. All 120 of them.

Not only did the 16 month have a blast, so did DJ’s dog Hobbs, who thought he was a huge moving fire hydrant that he could not wait to mark. If you know what I mean!

All in all, it was happy day for the whole Johnson family. Well, everyone but the man whose movie made over $100 million at the Box Office this weekend. If it wasn’t for him, I doubt Fate & the Furious would have done as well. He is the draw! It’s why I go to see every movie he is in.

That and because my fellow University of Miami alum has a huge heart. Always helping strangers and yet still have time to play live action Pokemon Go with his daughter whenever he can. That’s right, this is not the first time he did it. He also dressed up in that costume for Halloween and she loved it just as much then as she did now. I think he should dress up as Pikachu for every holiday, like Memorial Day, Flag Day, National Pokemon Day and so on.

Seriously, isn’t Jasmine lucky to have a dad like Dwayne Johnson who is willing to that for his daughter? He might be busiest man in Hollywood, but he always has time for her.


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