Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The real story is behind the news anchor!!!
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[ # ] The real story is behind the news anchor!!!
March 4th, 2010 under TV News

So news stations around the world have been using their newsrooms as backdrops for their newscasts and 99.9% what is going on behind the anchor is uneventful. But then every now and again you have something eventful happen like two producers getting into a knock down, drag out fight while the poor anchor is trying to read the news. Boy did that fight escalate pretty quickly, I am so curious to find out what it is about. That and if both of them were fired because of it? And the icing on the cake in that report is how quickly the anchor got out of there as soon as he realized what was happening!
Am I the only who can’t stop watching this video?


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