Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Political Animals season finale is one of the finest hours of television ever!
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[ # ] The Political Animals season finale is one of the finest hours of television ever!
August 10th, 2012 under USA Network

The season finale of USA’s limited run series Political Animals doesn’t air until August 19th, but I will tell you now it is honestly one of the most amazing hours of television I have ever seen. I am not going to spoil an episode that is over a week away, but I am going to start telling you now to watch it.
It is my job to watch a lot of television and I have to admit as time goes on, I find myself not giving any show my full attention. Well today when I got the email that the final two episodes of Political Animals was available online, I immediately cued it up on my computer. The first episode which airs on Sunday, I watched like a lot of the other preview shows I get. But then when it came time for the season finale, something happens that I stopped what I was doing and made the video full screen to give the show my full attention. The show had my complete attention for the remainder of the episode. This is something that has never happened to me before. I always find a way to be distracted, but there was no way I was going to let that happen this time. I sat in awe watching this episode because the writing and the acting of their words is so brilliant that you feel like you are watching a real life news story play out. Forget Newsroom, the News Networks can learn from Greg Berlanti what makes excellent television. What keeps people watching and not flipping the channels. The cast and crew of Political Animals make politics engaging again and since we are months electing a President, this is what America needs.
So this Sunday at 9p, sit down with your family and friends and watch the second to the last episode of the season with them. And tell everyone you know to do the same. And after you and them watch a quality hour of television, tell even more people to watch the season finale. We need excellence on TV and we need more people to watch this excellent show. We need more shows like this, so please watch so that USA will make this limited run show, not be so limited!
Now I return you to your regular scheduled reading on my blog.


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