Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The physical effects of SYTYCD on the final 4
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[ # ] The physical effects of SYTYCD on the final 4
August 10th, 2006 under SYTYCD

DONYELLE: I have never felt pain like I have felt on this show. It is dancer boot camp. I take a hot bath at night and get up an hour early every morning to take another, to get my muscles loose so I can just move around. And my toe is really screwed up. That’s why I looked like I was going to cry last week. I did a jump and my toe did something weird. Normally I would have stopped dancing and went, ‘’Ow!’’ But I couldn’t stop in the middle of the solo. Every time I put weight on it I wanted to cry.

HEIDI: I have been a lot luckier than others. My injuries are so minor compared to theirs. My knees are pretty worn out and they bother me a lot. And you can play connect-the-bruises on my body, and I don’t know how I got most of them. I am also the girl that everyone wants to lift and turn — which is great, but at the same time it seems to trigger my migraines, because something in my neck is wrong. But I think most of our injuries will subside once we have time to sleep and eat properly and give our muscles a rest.

TRAVIS: I have a really bad back, to the point that last Sunday I woke up and couldn’t walk. A chiropractor came in and readjusted me, and he told me I was going to shrink a couple of inches in a year because my back is contracting. I will be okay. It means physical therapy. You just have to push through.

BENJI: My problems are more mental. We have very little time to ourselves. We get, like, five hours a week to run errands, like going to fake-and-bake so we don’t look like ghosts on the show. And elimination days were emotionally draining for me.

TRAVIS: If you ask anyone in the cast who reacted the worst to [elimination] Thursdays, they’ll say, ‘’Travis.’’ You can’t talk to me on Thursdays. We get up at 6 a.m. and film the opening number, and then we have to wait five hours for the results. It’s brutal. I think I am going home every week. Heidi gets mad at me for putting out negative energy.

Entertainment Weekly

After last night, I think Travis was the dancing winner. But I still want Benji to win he is the one we will all remember from this year.


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