Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Oscars do away with Gift Baskets
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[ # ] The Oscars do away with Gift Baskets
December 20th, 2006 under Oscars

Academy Awards Bosses Ditch Gift Baskets. Hollywood celebrities will leave the 2007 Oscars without the lavish gift baskets they have been presented with in previous years. The decision comes after The Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences and the US Inland Revenue Service (IRS) agreed to send tax forms to all those who received the free gifts, worth around $100,000 (£51,000), at the 2006 ceremony. IRS Commissioner MARK EVERSON says, "Whether you’re popping the popcorn, sitting in the audience or starring on the big screen, you need to pay your taxes. "There’s no red carpet loophole for the stars." Actor EDWARD NORTON recently expressed how appalled he is by the freebies celebrities pick up at top awards shows.

Female First 

I wonder if they are going to protest this? Will this be the new trend? I know there are celebs who will only go to an event if they will get a Gift Basket. How sad is that?


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