Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The one muscle men should not use a dumb bell with!!!
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[ # ] The one muscle men should not use a dumb bell with!!!
September 25th, 2009 under Odd

via Jimmy Kimmel Live!
So some guy thought he could make his penis bigger by, I guess, lifting a dumb bell with it. And I guess you can say it worked because it swelled to 5X the size it was, but it got stuck in the dumb bell he was using to make it bigger for three days. So the man, let’s call him Dumb Bell for obvious reasons, went to the hospital and they had to call the fire department in to saw the exercise equipment off. (Sounds like my favorite Rescue Me episode) Lucky for the guy the penis was able to be saved, but no word if when they swelling went down if it actually worked. This guy so has to make it to the Darwin Award winner’s list (you don’t have to die to make the list) because that is one of the schmuckiest things I have heard a man do!
Side note, you know KTLA had to love doing that story because they mentioned penis over 10 times in that 2 minute segment.


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