Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The ocean rebels in the spectacular series The Swarm
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[ # ] The ocean rebels in the spectacular series The Swarm
September 12th, 2023 under The CW

Tonight at 9p on The CW, you are going to tune into The Swarm for your newest addiction. The 8-part German series is based on Frank Schätzing’s 2004 book, Der Schwarm, which makes you wonder what would happen if the ocean decided to rebel against us humans.

I love Disaster movies and ones that are based in the ocean, and The Swarm doesn’t disappoint. Plus, the series is so beautiful to watch that you forget the sea creatures are trying to kill us.

The series starts off with a fisherman in Peru who thinks it is going to be another day in the office, aka the water. But when he loses his net, he makes the mistake of going under to get it back. As he tries to get it free from a rock, he finds himself trapped by a swarm of pissed-off fish.

Leon (Joshua Odjick) is a whale researcher, and he is called out to look at a dead orca on the beach in Vancouver. He needs to find out why this giant mammal washed up dead on shore.

This is not the only thing he is concerned about; the whales are late this year, and he doesn’t know why. It is starting to hurt the tourist town that needs them for their economy

Things seem to be looking up when they return. But things take a quick turn for the worst with their arrival.

Charlie Wagner (Leonie Benesch) is earning her Ph.D. in microbiology. She believes that we are overfishing, and she isn’t wrong. Now, the fish of all sizes are mad, and they are not going to take it anymore.

Most Disaster series have a great pilot episode, but then they go to crap. The Swarm keeps getting better as the show goes on. And let me tell you, the final scene in tonight’s episode will leave you with your chin on the floor.

Seriously, you can tell they spent a lot of money on this series, and it looks better than the big-budget movies that cover the same topic.

Seriously, there is so much that will blow you away. I just sat back and watched in awe. It is the story that grabs and doesn’t let go.

Could this happen? Who knows? But we just did have a hurriquake in California. So, at this point, if the muscles wanted to show some muscle, I wouldn’t be surprised.

Oh, and I am never eating lobster again! But I will tell you about that next week.


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