Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The N to finally air the Degrassi: TNG’s abortion episode
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[ # ] The N to finally air the Degrassi: TNG’s abortion episode
August 12th, 2006 under Degrassi

Two years after it originally aired in Canada, but not here in the United States, Degrassi: The Next Generation’s Accidents Will Happen will finally be broadcast on The N on this Friday (8/18) at 10p est/7p pst. The two part episode that dealt with Manny finding out she is pregnant and then deciding to have an abortion was originally banned from being broadcast on The N’s air. This is a powerful episode that looks at all sides of abortion and Manny’s decision was not taken lightly. But being a teen network, I guess they were too afraid to air such a heavy subject. The N, who edits Degrassi, edited out all references of her pregnancy in future episodes.

This was not the first abortion episode in Degrassi’s history. The original one, Degrassi High’s A New Start aired on PBS in 1989. In fact when comparing both I think the Degrassi High one was much more intense and it aired earlier in the day. I suggest to you if you can find that episode online, watch it.

Degrassi one of the best shows on television ever just turned 25 years old. Twenty Five years of doing episodes on such important topics like abortion, rape, teen pregnancy, drugs, school shooting, eating disorders, homosexuality, suicide, teenage pregnany, cutting, drinking, dating, AIDS, loss of a parent and so much more. If you are parent of a kid over 11, watch this show with them and if you over 11 without kids just watch the show.

Now back to The N, I understand why they did not air episode and do not hold it against them. The N airs Degrassi and other shows that deal with real life issues that teens need to know. So they do take risks and it is nice to see them finally air this episode. So I ask you to show them that it is a good thing and watch The N on Friday at 10p est/7p pst!


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