Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The MTV Movie Awards belonged to Robert Pattinson!
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[ # ] The MTV Movie Awards belonged to Robert Pattinson!
June 6th, 2011 under Robert Pattinson, Twilight

It doesn’t matter how many jokes Jason Sudeikis told at the MTV Movie Awards because all anyone can talk about today is Robert Pattinson. The Twilight Star won best kiss for making out his with real life girlfriend Kristen Stewart on the big screen and instead of sharing a smooch with her on the small screen he gave his co-star Taylor Lautner a big wet kiss on the lips. While it seems Edward thoroughly enjoyed his animalistic lip lock, Jacob couldn’t wait to wipe the Vampire cooties off of his mouth. After seeing the two men like that, I am so Team Jedward! Even though that whole scripted sequence was beyond awkward.
But that isn’t the only reason that everyone is talking Hollywood’s most glittery actor, while introducing his Water For Elephants co-star Reese Witherspoon he dropped the F-bomb. He told her how he got f*ck her in the movie and the newlywed laughed! And you know what so did we.
I am glad he gave some life to the Awards show that desperately needed it. I just that is why he is immortal!


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