Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Mentalist directs himself!
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[ # ] The Mentalist directs himself!
November 18th, 2010 under CBS

Tonight at 10p on CBS Simon Baker makes his The Mentalist directorial debut and he is just good behind the camera as he is in front of it. In tonight’s episode they are called in to investigate a case where three people have been murdered, 2 cops and EMT’s fiancé. They are having problems solving the case, getting resistance from the local force, but then a local astrologer says he has some clues to who has been committing the murders. Patrick Jane listens to what he says and believe me even if you are psychic you will never see who the murdered is… That and there is an ending that really proves what an amazing job the Aussie did as the director of the episode!


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