Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Madonna & Guy Ritchie divorce rumors are back and they are true
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[ # ] The Madonna & Guy Ritchie divorce rumors are back and they are true
October 15th, 2008 under Madonna

UPDATE: Madonna and Guy Ritchie's publicists confirmed the new to AP that the two are divorcing and that ask the press to respect their privacy. Yeah right, like we will. 
It has been a few months and it is a new year on the Kabbalah calendar, so I guess now is a good time for the British Tabloids to start saying that Madonna and Guy Ritchie's divorce announcement is imminent. The Sun lead with the news.

A highly-placed source told The Sun: “It’s very sad. They were a great couple and brilliant parents. They just couldn’t live together any more.”

The source said: “Despite huge attempts to patch things up they both knew deep down that divorce was on the cards.

"It wasn’t a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’. They tried hard over the last few months but their fighting was getting out of control.

“The final straw came before Madonna started her US tour.

“Madonna wanted a highly stage-managed separation, with their split being announced when it was convenient for her.

“She didn’t want the distraction while she is trying to concentrate on her tour.

“But a series of rows around Guy’s 40th birthday last month were so bad that Madge ended up storming out of the house and Guy’s had enough.

“Guy said if they were going to split, it has to be now — and their marriage will finally be over in a matter of weeks.

“Madonna was dithering at first about whether a separation would be best or whether to go ahead with the divorce.

"She has now agreed with Guy that a divorce is the best thing to do.”

Do you think this time is it?


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