Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The kiss ABC didn’t mind showing at the Billboard Awards
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[ # ] The kiss ABC didn’t mind showing at the Billboard Awards
May 23rd, 2011 under Justin Bieber

ABC cut away when Rihanna gave Britney Spears a kiss at the Billboard Awards, but the family friendly network didn’t have a problem showing a minor kissing a woman who isn’t one. Granted Justin Bieber is newly 17 and his cougar is almost 19, why is it OK to show their smooch and not the other one?
I know my argument is stupid, but it was just as stupid of ABC not to show the kiss. And it was also just as stupid as the S&M singers to do it for attention because there are much better ways to do it.
BTW I know I am not alone in not wanting to see Justin Bieber kiss Selena Gomez, there are millions of teenage girls who agree with me.


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