Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Jonas Brothers are ho, ho, ho’s for a Christmas movie!
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[ # ] The Jonas Brothers are ho, ho, ho’s for a Christmas movie!
January 28th, 2025 under Jonas Brothers

It has been 35 days since December 25th, so you would think we would have waited a little longer to talk about this year’s Christmas. However, that is not the case.

Today, the Jonas Brothers and Disney+ announced that they are doing a movie for the holiday.

In the movie, Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas, and Nick Jonas face a series of escalating obstacles as they struggle to make it from London to New York in time to spend Christmas with their families.

Why do I have a feeling that we are going to start talking about the holiday season starting around Memorial Day? I miss the old days when we waited until after Thanksgiving.


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