Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The good news is that Joe Manganiello no longer has the blue mohawk
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[ # ] The good news is that Joe Manganiello no longer has the blue mohawk
December 2nd, 2020 under Jimmy Fallon, Joe Manganiello

Joe Manganiello got a blue mohawk to play Deathstroke. Now that he is wrapped, the mohawk is gone, as is all of his hair.

Mr. Sofia Vergara debuted his new look on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon yesterday. What do you think of him bald? I don’t think his shaved head would look so bad if he shaved also shaved off his bushy goatee.

BTW Can we talk about how sweet his friendship is with Bubbles? I have never seen a man love a dog as much as he loves his best friend.


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