Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Fonz and Bobby Ewing share the British stage for a night!
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[ # ] The Fonz and Bobby Ewing share the British stage for a night!
November 24th, 2006 under Henry Winkler, Stage

With The Fonz playing Captain Hook and a former Dallas star playing a baron in Cinderella, this year’s pantomime season has a touch of iconic America. Former American television stars Henry Winkler and Patrick Duffy, along with their panto co-stars, attended the National Press Launch of Family Entertainment’s run of pantos. Held at the Piccadilly Theatre in Central London, the launch of Christmas pantomimes this year included Aladdin, Cinderella, Mother Goose, Peter Pan, Jack & the Beanstalk, and Snow White. Winkler began his role on Happy Days as a minor character but, by the end of the show’s run in 1984, had become an national icon. Duffy played Bobby Ewing in the classic 80s soap opera Dallas and later gained a following as a hapless dad in the sitcom Step by Step.

Daily Mail (story) and Wire Image (photo) 

There is just something so wrong about that picture. 


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