Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The first new shows to get a full season pick up are…
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[ # ] The first new shows to get a full season pick up are…
October 2nd, 2012 under NBC

We are just a few weeks in to the new fall season and NBC is the first network to give full season orders to some of its new shows. Not only did they pick up one show, but they picked up 3! Monday night’s Revolution will be keeping the lights on even though they don’t have any power. Matthew Perry has something to be happy about even though his character doesn’t because Go On will be going on through May. And looks like we are going to see Shania give birth because NBC will carry this show to full term.
Have to say NBC made the right choice to give these three shows the back 9. Now can they please do the same for Guys with Kids and Animal Practice?


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