Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Dalai Lama on Brangelina
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[ # ] The Dalai Lama on Brangelina
September 22nd, 2016 under Brangelina

The great Dalia Lama was interview by Piers Morgan and that is bad enough, but then the Internationally hated talk show host actually asked him what he thinks of the Brangelina separation.
Thankfully, the Monk does not know who they are, but here is what he what he said about their impending divorce when he heard how many kids they have, “Sad.” And that is why he is the great spiritual leader that he is.
BTW it kills me to say this, but I actually really enjoyed this interview. Even though he asked The Dalai Lama about the stupidest things, the Monk came off as so warm, personable and funny. Like you totally want to be best friends with him and for a few seconds you forget how holy he truly is.


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