Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The book is closed on Manhattan Love Story
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[ # ] The book is closed on Manhattan Love Story
October 24th, 2014 under ABC

The first new show of the season to be pulled off the air is ABC’s Manhattan Love Story according to Entertainment Weekly. The RomCom sitcom had a sweet first episode, but then just fell a little flat.
I think the problem with this show is there didn’t seem to be much chemistry between Analeigh Tipton and Jake McDorman. There was just something that didn’t connect between them and I think because of that people didn’t connect with the show.
My biggest problem with is my own issue, I couldn’t stand McDorman’s beard. I know that sounds stupid; but his blonde beard was so thin, I couldn’t tell if he had one or not. So I would watch the episode looking for it. It’s my thing, but I am sure there were other people who were turned off by something so frivolous.
I will say something positive, I think that Tipton is star in the making. She will go far because she is like a young Meg Ryan, cute and so likeable.
So, what will ABC be replacing MLS with? Next week they are airing The Great Halloween Fright Fight and the following week they will double up on Selfie, which is quickly becoming one of my favorite shows on television.
ABC has a few sitcoms in the wings and I can’t wait for you guys to see the warm and fuzzy Fresh Off the Boat and the brilliant Galavant. Both shows are great additions to ABC’s lineup that has already proven to have gotten a lot of things right this season.
Finally, the reason why I am saying this is the first show to be pulled off the air because technically the unfunny Mulaney was the first shirt cancelled. Fox halted production on the show permanently last week. Why they are still airing that piece of smelly crap is beyond me.


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