Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Big 4-0 premieres tonight on TV Land at 10p
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[ # ] The Big 4-0 premieres tonight on TV Land at 10p
April 16th, 2008 under Reviews, TV Land

You do not have to be nearing The Big 4-0 to enjoy TV Land’s new show. This show is fun and interesting and makes me excited to hit The Big 4-0 just so I can throw a party for it! (Luckily that is years and years away!)
The premiere episode starts with Derrick, a former-NFLer and a current coach at Georgia Tech, who wants to prove he still has it. So he asks some friends to battle it out on the football field against his students. He has 40 days to get in shape for his Big 4-0 party or game! Derrick has such an amazing, cheerful attitude that you enjoy watching his journey to his big day!
So tune into tonight on TV Land at 10p to see if Derrick’s Big 4-0 will be a touchdown and don’t change the dial at 10:30p as Lisa reveals that she is turning Big 4-0 to her friends who finally find out her age!!!


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