Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The best question ever on The Moment of Truth!
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[ # ] The best question ever on The Moment of Truth!
March 13th, 2008 under Fox

OMG! Who knew you could make a wax replica of male private parts and that someone would admit on national TV that they did! I just love everyones reaction to the question and the answer and can you believe that was only the second question for him.
They will say that Michael Greenland answered tougher questions like did he sleep with any of his wife’s sisters that he dated? or did he sleep with any of his friends’ wives, but I personally think the above questions is the toughest one to answer!
Greenland went home with $100,000 after admitting that he did sleep with at least one of his friend’s wives and opted not to go for the $500,000. Wimp. How much worse could the questions have gotten…obviously they were…
BTW I wonder how many candles were sent to the his house and place of employment after last night’s show.


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