Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The annoying thing that Jennifer Aniston does
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[ # ] The annoying thing that Jennifer Aniston does
February 24th, 2021 under Friends (cast)

Jennifer Aniston has a lot of annoying habits and cts.trphe pointed out one on TikTok that we have been ignoring.

Before she starts a sentence, she clears her throat. Why? Is she trying to get the words out because something is blocking it? What could that be? I don’t think it is her pride because she doesn’t swallow it.

Back the tick that we found out about on the Tik. Now that he has pointed it out, do you remember hearing her do that on TV and in the movies? I have, and I guess I have ignored it. If I was still watching her projects, then maybe that would annoy me because that is all I would think about. That and I would be drunk because I would make it a drinking game.


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