Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The A-Team looks more like F-
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[ # ] The A-Team looks more like F-
January 8th, 2010 under Movies

via The Film Stage
The trailer for the movie based on the hit ’80s TV show, The A-Team was leaked on the net today and I have to say the movie looks worse than I thought. I knew the movie was going to be crap like almost of the other TV shows that were turned into movies, but I can’t believe it was even worse than I imagined. Even seeing Bradley Cooper without a shirt could not get me to see this movie.
The movie looks like it is going to be a huge d!ck flick, so even though I won’t see it I am sure there will be a lot of boys who will run out and see it when it comes out


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[ # 380633 ] Comment from ginger [January 11, 2010, 9:52 am]

wow I just wasted 1:25 of my day watching that junk.

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