While the 🍆 and the 🍑 emojis can be used to represent the fruits that they are, they can also be used to represent other things. Those other things can get you banned from Facebook and Instagram.
According to XBIZ, Facebook changed its standards over the summer to include, “Among the new things that could get someone Instagram’s account flagged and/or removed for ‘Sexual Solicitation’: the eggplant or peach emoji in conjunction with any statement referring to being horny; nude pictures with digital alterations or emojis covering female nipples and buttocks; and any mention of porn being available or any linking to pages offering adult material.”
Therefore it is OK, to use them alone but not together as 🍑🍆 because it can be seen as soliciting someone for sex. I am so old school, the 🥒 always represented the penis to me. Although, who would turn down an eggplant?