Seriously? OMG! WTF? » That is one big f’ing rat
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[ # ] That is one big f’ing rat
May 24th, 2007 under Animals

According to Reuters the Florida Keys is being taken over by African rats. "The African rats can weigh 6 to 9 pounds (2.7-4 kg), with body shades ranging from brown to gray. They have large ears, black, beady eyes, hamster-like pouched facial cheeks, sharp teeth and distinctive long, stringy and white-marked tails." Ewww. Believe it or not some guy was actually breeding those ugly things and a few of them got lost, so now they are trapping them before they reach the mainland and start destroying fragile ecosystems. Gary Witmer, a biologist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Wildlife Research Center in Fort Collins, Colorado said, "They're a big rodent. They're not particularly attractive. I don't understand why anyone would want them as a pet. They're very messy animals." I so agree with him, who the heck would that thing as a pet. And is it just me or does that rat look like he is praying for his life?

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