Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Terra Nova is the most ambitious television show ever!
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[ # ] Terra Nova is the most ambitious television show ever!
September 26th, 2011 under Fox

It is the year 2149, there is a population limit of two children, you can’t breath the air, fresh fruit is an rarity and there is no sunshine anymore. So if given the opportunity to have as many kids as you want, breathe fresh air, eat fresh fruit and see sunlight, you would jump at the chance even if it meant going back 85 million years. Well that is what the new inhabitants of Terra Nova have done. The new utopia might not be as perfect at it seems because 85 million years ago there were dinosaurs walking the earth and they are not exactly welcoming of the new residences.
The people of 2149 now have to figure out a way to survive in their new time and protect their old one because the butterfly effect works both ways. Will they be able to find a way to change the future as they are stuck in the past? Tune in to Fox tonight at 8p for the most ambitious series even to roar on to television, and they succeed with their ambition. Besides the illusion of going back in time, Terra Nova gives us an adventure that will keep our interest for 85 million years at least!


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