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[ # ] Take that Babs?
July 5th, 2006 under Barbra Streisand

Fans are turning their backs on BARBRA STREISAND’s new tour because of outrageous ticket prices, according to reports. The diva is struggling to sell out concerts where tickets cost up to $800 (GBP444) each and promoters are concerned, claims Fans are also annoyed the tour comes six years after her official ‘farewell tour’ and frustrated by Streisand’s reluctance to commit to promised charity donations, which means ticket-buyers can’t write off the cost as a tax deduction. A source tells PageSix, "Some cities (like) Detroit, where they wanted to do two days, are less than 3,000 sold." The site claims promoters are considering changing venues for the tour – which kicks off in October (06) – and putting on shows in smaller auditoriums. Streisand’s tour spokesman KEN SUNSHINE insists the reports are false, blasting, "That is bulls**t. Tickets are going through the moon." Meanwhile, the 64-year-old is facing lawsuits from disgruntled fans who bought tickets to her 2000 tour believing it to be her last.

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I hope it is true because there needs to be a lesson taught to these musicians to 1 – stop saying this is my last tour and 2 – charging over $250 for the nose bleed seats. 


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