Seriously? OMG! WTF? » SYTYCD2’s Benji Schwimmer update from MySpace
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[ # ] SYTYCD2’s Benji Schwimmer update from MySpace
August 20th, 2006 under SYTYCD

Well i am completely beside myself in the response that Ive gotten since the show ended. I cannot believe that many people would be so into the show and have support me so much. I love you all! I know many people want to write emails and such so Ive devised a way to help all of you out so thta there isnt such a flood of little messages coming in. Many people have questions about many things (tour, tickets, my telephone number(hehe), other contestant info, as well as little chatty questions….and most importantly, D.E.M.A.N.D.)…so to help answer those questions;

1. Tickets – The tour has given each top ten dancer 6 tickets to give out. Mine were given to family. That’s all i was allowed to recieve for the whole tour so with that said, I don’t have much pull on getting anyone tickets. Im am so sorry and encourage people to write the tour company(look on for details) and petition more dates after the tour ends…maybe even a second tour. Im sorry but there aren’t any backstage passes. :(

2. My personal phone info/adress/email/aim stuff – I would love to give all that out but with the overwhelming response Ive recieved, Im keeping most of my comminucation via this myspace. You guys are amazing and Im trying my hardest to thank you all as personally as can be. Please be patient if there is no reply immediatly. It’s gonna take a long time!!! I have 1,000’s of emails to respond to…..and for the sake of fairness, i wont be able to message back and forth little questions for the time being….so a full email is appreciated. Questions regarding the tour and everything else will be answered right now.

3. Info on other contestants from season 2 – I love my top 20 buds!!! Most of them have myspaces as well…I can’t provide a link to them for the time being, but looking on may help in knowing more about them. Love you guys!!!

4. D.E.M.A.N.D. – WOW!!! Such a great response!!! Please read my other blog regarding demand…so much response for it…I love ya’ll and you’ll be asked to help out soon…just a few more preparations coming….so no need to email me about it…i will post a big bulletine when volunteers are needed as well as donations. Muchas Gracias!!!

– On a side note, I just wanted to thank everyone again for their support and continued support from here on. I wanted everyone to know that Hollywood hasn’t gone to my head nor has it gone to any of the top 20 dancers. We love and appreciate all of you and its my desire that you all be patient. Things are insane right now…I just got home for the first time in 3 months…and i slept in my own bed (first sleep ive gotten in 3 days since they announced the winner)…so its been cool but very tiring! If you’d like to make a comment about the show or about lil’ ol’ me, please make them in the comment section of my myspace, i really do read those you know, hehe. Emails to me would be best if they were regarding anything else i did not explain in this blog.
bEnji (via MySpace)

He so enjoys winning, that is so sweet! 


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