Seriously? OMG! WTF? » SYTYCD2’s Benji and Heidi working on instrunctional DVDs
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[ # ] SYTYCD2’s Benji and Heidi working on instrunctional DVDs
August 22nd, 2006 under SYTYCD

Howdy? como estan?

well guys im beat, tried messages a lot today.

things were great today…i got to see my folks for the first time since I won. That was great. I got to drive me old car for the first time in 3 months. I just watched the Fantasia story…I can relate the feelings she went through. Great story! WEll Im off…I have some cool ventures im working on. Look out for tranji merchandise and possibly some Benjelle action as well for the wonderful fans. Heidi and I are on board for making instructional dvds the week after the tour ends….so sit tight! Love ya’ll


p.s. DEMAND…is getting an enormous amount of response. Website under construction……I love the world….the world is so giving right now…its sauch a blessing!!!!!

Brush your teeth!

bEnJi’s (MySpace Blog)

I so want those DVDs 


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