Seriously? OMG! WTF? » SYTYCD Spoilers for 7/26?
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[ # ] SYTYCD Spoilers for 7/26?
July 24th, 2006 under SYTYCD

Little birdie! Little birdie!(Is this late? Does everyone know this already?)

Travis and Donyelle – Hip Hop and Quickstep
Ivan and Allison – Tango and Hip Hop
Ryan and Natalie – Disco and Contemporary
Benji and Heidi – Broadway and Mambo


Okay I’m going to do a full report. I’ll try to remember everything.

So first up was Travis and Donyelle.

They did a super cool hip hop routine to Fergie’s new song London Bridge. It was choreagraphed by Shane Sparks..which was dissapointing because my friend and I went to the show JUST for Wade and he wasn’t there. Basically they had two masks on, one in the front and one in the back. I thought the concept was awesome…and The masks weren’t a distraction…I think it was incredibly entertaining to watch ur senses jump out the window…when you can’t really tell between the front and the back.. I LOVED IT.
Nigel – He didn’t like the masks and said that it took away from the performance because the audience won’t be able to connect. He also said it would be hard for America to understand that choreagraphy.Mary Murphy – She loved it. She loved the choreagraphy the concept and the dancers. SHe said it was hot.Dan – Agreed with Nigel about the masks but said it was good. It wasn’t as good as it COULD have been but he was happy with it and thought it was a hot performance.

Next was Allison and Ivan doing doing an Argentine Tango by Alex De Silva (C’mon? argentine again?)
Nigel – Thought that the chemistry was great…was happy to see them together again and liked it.Mary – Commented on how difficult it is to get the feet whipping down…Saying that one wrong whip could turn Ivan from a rooster into a hen. She liked it. Dan – he liked it as well. Said he likes the two of them together. Also said that this time Ivan pulled Allison through the dance and worked her on the stage.

Next up was Natalie and Ryan doing a Disco by Tyce
Nigel – thought that it was bad. Ryan was uncomfortable in his shoes up on stage and that he had 0 chemistry with Natalie. Didn’t like it at all.Mary – Same. Said disco is suppose to be fun but Ryan looked completely out of place out there and didn’t show an ounce of personality. Agreed with the no chemsitry bit as well. Dan – said “it was painful to watch.” The tricks were shakey and everything about it was horrible.

Benji and Heidi. Did a was it Broadway? I coudln’t hear or see because of the screams…but I think it was that or Jazz. Nigel – Said it was fantastic..sensational..and said Hallelujah. Mary – said AMEN. LOved it. Dan – Loved it as well. Said the chemistry was fantastic.

Next Travis and Donyelle Quick step of doooom.
Nigel – Thought they danced it like they were professional dancers….but NOT professional ballroom. They did the choreagraphy..and said they didn’t get the style down. They hopped more than skipped and glided…and he said it wasn’t good “i’m afraid”. Mary – Same. She got really technical. She tore at every single detail of the dance with the feet and the arms and the turns and the “closeness” of the bodies. She said a 747 could have landed between them. Didn’t like it. Dan – Said HE loves puting down Nigel and Mary but culdn’t this time. He agreed and said it wasn’t good enough.

Next was Alison and Ivan doing a Hip Hop Routine.
Nigel – Loved the softness of it. TOld them that it was great. And said it was warm and gentle unlike the crazy upbeat high energy kind of hip hop. Mary – Agreed. She said it was cute and warm and she loved it. Dan – Commented on how difficult it is to pull a soft hip hop routine beause it’s about performance and feeling instead of just coming out and dancing full out with high energy. He praised shane for the choreagraphy and said it was great.

Next Natalie and Ryan Contemporary
Nigel – Thought it was beautiful and commented on Ryan. Said this is what Ryan’s here to do.Mary – thought it was good too. It was beautiful and nice. Dan – Same.

Final Benji & Heidi = Club Mambo
Nigel – FANTASTIC. WOW. LOVED IT. thought it looked professional.Mary – Same. Dan – Couldn’t find a single negative thing to say about it.

Conclusion – I still think that Ryan will leave on thursday. But Travis will be on the bottom 2. I think Natalie will leave on thursday with Donyelle on the Bottom 2. My thought is that with Donyelle and Travis doing Solos on thursday..more people will watch. That is why fox will put them on the bottom…So people watch to make sure their favorite is safe and they get to see them do solos. As for the Eliminating…it will be SUICIDAL for fox to get rid of Travis and Donyelle now. Their finale ratings will drop tremendously and they KNOW that. They will not be stupid and Eliminate Travis and Donyelle. That is my two cents. 

OMG! I am so excited to see Benji and Heidi dance together. I think the bottom four will be Ryan and Ivan and Natalie and Allison with Ryan and Natalie out.




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