Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Sweet Neil Diamond brings the World together for nearly 4 minutes!
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[ # ] Sweet Neil Diamond brings the World together for nearly 4 minutes!
December 21st, 2020 under Neil Diamond

Last month, Neil Diamond asked everyone in the World to send him a video of themselves singing his 1969 hit Sweet Caroline. The World heard his call and responded. Today, we got to see what happens when the people of Earth can put their differences aside and let music unite them.

I can’t stop crying happy tears because I am so verklempt. In the words of Jackie Gleason, “How sweet it is!”

What is also sweet is that Diamond just released 14 Classic Diamonds with new vocals. Those new vocals were given a twist with a new interpretation by the London Symphony Orchestra.

I said sweet so many times in this post, I gave myself a cavity.


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