Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Sweaters for Chickens!
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[ # ] Sweaters for Chickens!
March 14th, 2017 under Animals

It is winter and chickens are kept outside in the freezing weather. How do they keep warm on a cold winter’s day? According to AP in Milton, Massachusetts, a knitting group of a retirees from the Fuller Village Retirement Home makes them sweaters to wear. Not only do they make them some warm clothes to put on their cold feathers, they also get to dress them up in their beautiful work. What do the ladies get? Hopefully some of the extra eggs they have been laying. That’s right production is up ever since they got some sheep on them.

Seriously though, how eggcelent is this story? They look so cute in their sweaters. Hopefully, the ladies will knit them some sexy bikinis for the summer! Why shouldn’t the chicks be fashionable all year long?


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