Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Suzanne Pleshette update
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[ # ] Suzanne Pleshette update
August 14th, 2006 under Sick Bay

"She calls it ‘comedy chemo,’" Tom Poston says as he describes his wife Suzanne Pleshette’s current cancer treatment. Meanwhile. Poston said he is "getting better every day and I’m trying to get more active" as he is under treatment for a white cell problem. While Tom was resting at home, Suzanne, he said, was "out shopping — at the framers." They had recently moved into a new, high-rise condominium. Tom said Suzanne "hasn’t smoked in years" and had undergone two sessions of chemo therapy last week after the cancer was discovered during an examination for what she thought was a heart problem. "Her heart is as sound as a dollar," Tom reported, adding she will have two more sessions of chemotherapy in two weeks. "She’s doing absolutely great and they say it (the cancer) is in the best possible place — easy to get at — if it (surgery) is needed after the next two treatments."

Army Archerd 

I find it interesting that he brought up that she hasn’t smoked in years. 


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