Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Steve-O is no longer getting breast implants for a prank
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[ # ] Steve-O is no longer getting breast implants for a prank
September 15th, 2024 under Uncategorized

Steve-O has done a lot of certifiable things in the name of comedy. In July, he revealed what his craziest thing was going to be.

He was going to get breast implants. That’s right. He was going to get breasts and pretend to be a woman and trick men into thinking he was one for laughs. He thought it was a brilliant idea.

But then, things changed. He told Consequence that his anaesthesiologist and doctor canceled the operation when they learned why he wanted to do it.

But they were not the deciding factor. Steve-O met a transgender clerk on the day of the surgery.

They “described how they weren’t allowed to use the bathroom at their place of work, that there were like maybe 28 states in the country that would arrest them for having an ID that said female on it. That there were politicians making concerted efforts to lock them up in internment camps. It was really pretty heartbreaking, the level of oppression that was described.”

That was when he knew it would be wrong to do this stupid prank because he would be hurting a group of people that have been hurt by stunts like this.


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