Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Spike TV’s Winning Charlie Sheen special!!!
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[ # ] Spike TV’s Winning Charlie Sheen special!!!
March 9th, 2011 under Spike TV

Tonight at 10:30p Spike TV is going to debut Charlie Sheen’s Winningest Moments. The 30 minute special will air some of his greatest moments Taiwanese animation style. Some of Hollywood’s greatest scandals from the last few years have been told via Taiwanese animation style and if any one them really needed this treatment it is the Malibu’s Messiah’s.
There have been so many “winning!” moments over the last few weeks from the former-Two and a Half Men star, I can’t wait to see what Spike TV does with all of them tonight at 10:30p. So here’s my drinking game for Charlie Sheen’s Winningest Moments, every time he says “winning!” take sip of Tiger’s Blood! Oh and if you are a guy, you might want to call a goddess or two to come over and watch it with you at your own personal Sober Valley Lodge!!!


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