Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Spider-Man 3 updates
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[ # ] Spider-Man 3 updates
July 10th, 2006 under Movies

Wait ’til next year. The battle for box office honors — between "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Spider-Man" will stretch into 2007.
That’s when "Spider-Man 3" comes to bat to challenge the three-day record — $135 million — set by "Pirates 2" ("Dead Man’s Chest"). It beat out "Spider-Man’s" previous record by $20 million.
The third "Spidey" is shooting in New York and someone who should know tells me, "You ain’t seen nothin’ yet."
The company was filming — from 3 ayem — in front of the New York Public Library for several days. In the scenes were Tobey Maguire and "Spidey’s" "Uncle Ben" as played by Oscar-winner Cliff Robertson.
Sure, his "Uncle Ben" character had died in the first film. But Robertson reminds me he came back in the second film. He  was sworn to secrecy as to how he returns in the third. But he tells me director Sam Raimi "is a genius."
They worked in the very early hours to try and avoid N.Y. traffic — but word did get out and fans appeared along with the three ayem shooting call.
"Spider-Man 3" is Robertson’s 78th film. He won his Oscar for "Charlie" in 1969 and says he has no intention of retiring. He’s 80.

Army Archerd 

Hats off to Cliff Robertson! I hope to be that active at 80! 


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