Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Speilberg donates a million to Israel
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[ # ] Speilberg donates a million to Israel
August 10th, 2006 under Admirable People

A foundation created by filmmaker Steven Spielberg will donate $1 million to relief efforts in Israel as it battles with Hezbollah.The Righteous Persons Foundation will make an initial contribution of $250,000 to the Jewish Federation of Los Angeles Israel Crisis Fund. The foundation, spokesman Marvin Levy said Tuesday, will then follow up with gifts to the New Israel Fund and other organizations that are providing relief to those evacuated from northern Israel.The Jewish Foundation will use its donation to support emergency efforts for evacuated children, install shatterproof glass in Haifa’s three hospitals and provide emergency assistance at the Naharia hospital, he said. The New Israel Fund will use its donation to set up crisis hot lines and provide food and other emergency supplies to families in northern Israel, Levy said.

Access Hollywood 

Good for him.


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