Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Smokin’ Aces trailer too graphic for TV?
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[ # ] Smokin’ Aces trailer too graphic for TV?
December 20th, 2006 under Ryan Reynolds


SINGER Alicia Keys’s first big film is so steamy, even the trailer was banned from TV. The 25-year-old is starring alongside Ben Affleck in the sexy shoot-’em-up Smokin’ Aces, which hits cinemas on January 12. We’re told: “The ad is graphic but so is the film!”
3AM Girls
What do you think? Is that trailer is too graphic or too crappy? Seriously did you get what the movie is about? Do you want to go see it? I say re-edit the trailer to make it less graphic and more entertaining!!! I mean I love Ryan Reynolds and I refuse to see that moviel



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