Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Siri dumps Jimmy Kimmel!
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[ # ] Siri dumps Jimmy Kimmel!
September 18th, 2014 under Jimmy Kimmel
Just like most iPhone and iPad users, Jimmy Kimmel downloaded iOS 8 yesterday. One of the many new features added to the new operating system is that Shazaam is now included with Siri. So the ABC late night wanted to test it out to see if it worked. It didn’t go as smooth as he thought. In fact, it looks Siri got a upgrade to bitch and over it.
Therefore all those lonely boys who have been using her as their girlfriend, it looks like you will be back to paying for a girlfriend on one of the XXX chatrooms.
That is unless you are willing to dump your iPhone for a Windows one because they have Cortana and she has a sexier voice. Decisions, decisions, decisions.


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