Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Sherri Shepherd is a Guinness World Records Princess
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[ # ] Sherri Shepherd is a Guinness World Records Princess
November 15th, 2024 under Guinness World Records, Sherri Shepherd

Sherri Shepherd has many titles. She is an actress. She is a mom. She is a comedian. She is a talk show host. And now, she is a Guinness World Record holder.

What did Shepherd do to make the 2025 book? She was able to beat the fastest time to dress like a princess on her show, Sherri, today!

What did that entitle to get the title? She needed to put on a Princess dress, a crown, a sash, and a pearl necklace.

The previous record holder did it in 30 seconds. How long did it take Sherri to do it? She beat the record by 12.3 seconds!

Congrats to the newest Guinness World Record holder!


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