Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Sherri Shepard scares the sh!t out of Prince
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[ # ] Sherri Shepard scares the sh!t out of Prince
December 9th, 2010 under The View

Prince went on The View today (yes The View) to surprise the ladies with tickets to his show, and he wasn’t prepared for how Crazy co-host Sherri Shepard would Go for him. The former-Symbol sat next to her and every time the camera had the two of them in a shot, you could see her pants getting wetter and wetter with her Purple Rain. Finally she burst out, “You don’t understand, I have wanted to make love to you to my whole life.” Well as soon as he heard that he got in his Little Red Corvette and high-tailed his way out of there. Poor TAFKAP…


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