Seriously? OMG! WTF? » She wants her McNuggets and she wants them now now now!
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[ # ] She wants her McNuggets and she wants them now now now!
August 10th, 2010 under Awesome Videos

Melodi Dushane wanted Chicken McNuggests at 6:30a on New Year’s Day and when she found out that McDonald’s was only serving their breakfast menu at that time she lost it at the drive-thru. You have to watch the just released security video to see what she does to the drive-thru attendant when she finds out she is not getting her Chicken McNuggets.
According to WTVG the 25 year old was sentenced to 60 days in jail, 3 years probation and ordered to pay over $1,500 in damages. The Toledo station says she apologized to the court and her lawyer claims she spent the night (NYE) drinking and suffers from panic attacks and that is why she had that reaction.
The best part of that video is after the incident when the next car drives up to the drive-thru window that the other worker serves them like nothing happened. Could you imagine what that person in that car was thinking? I think I would’ve reversed back and tried to get the f*ck out of there.
BTW what is it about Chicken McNuggets that makes people react like that? Remember the woman who called 911 3 times because McDonalds wouldn’t refund her money when they ran out of them. Seriously they are not that good. If it were the McRib I could understand, but McNuggets I just don’t get it.


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