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[ # ] Seriously if this is true…
June 20th, 2006 under Anne Hathaway, Stanley Tucci

and this isn’t an inside joke…how sad.

Actor STANLEY TUCCI couldn’t keep his hands off co-star ANNE HATHAWAY on the set of new fashion comedy THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA – because he was fascinated with her breasts. The actress reveals she had to eventually rebuke her co-star when he kept elbowing her in the chest, because she felt it was inappropriate, and it hurt. She explains, "There was this one day where he kept elbowing me in the breast. He wasn’t doing it to be like a dirty old man, but if we were doing a scene or I was just crossing to get to my mark (on the set) he would just smack me in my boob and elbow me. "If you’re a girl you know that hurts. So, after about the fourth time, I finally turned to him and said, ‘Stanley can you please stay away from my t**s?’ "Stanley got really flustered and he said, ‘What do you expect, you’re flinging those melons around like it’s harvest season!’"

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